Solemn Profession of Sister Anne OSB - 16th May 2015

Sister Anne made her solemn profession in life vows at a celebration of the Eucharist presided over by our Bishop Visitor Laurie Green. Bishop David Walker, Bishop of Manchester and chair of the Advisory Council on the Relations between Bishops and Religious Communities, preached the sermon.

Bishop David Walker, Mother Mary David,
Sister Anne, Bishop Laurie Green

Bishop David Walker, Mother Mary David, Sister Anne, Bishop Laurie Green

Sister Walburga OSB (Minster Abbey),
Sister Anne

Sister Walburga OSB (Minster Abbey), Sister Anne

Sister Anne

Sister Anne

Sarah, Ruth, Sister Anne, Ken, Anne Clarke

Sarah, Ruth, Sister Anne, Ken, Anne Clarke

Profession Cake by Elizabeth
and David Porter

Profession Cake by Elizabeth and David Porter

Sister Anne
cutting the cake

Sister Anne cutting the cake